Two of this year’s The Green & White co-chairs Gloria and Kenda Coleman sat down together in the Public Garden to talk all things #threeparks. Read their interview below. 

What is your favorite park?
Kenda: It is so hard to choose! We both live in the Back Bay, so the Mall and the Garden are our backyards!
Gloria: It’s true, it’s so hard to choose! But, I think if I had to pick a favorite, it’d be the Garden; I love all of its trees, the lagoon and how the landscape transforms throughout the year.
Kenda: Fair, but in the winter, the lights on the Comm Ave Mall are so beautiful. I don’t know how much more magical Boston could get!
Gloria: Well, I can’t argue with that, so I guess we are still torn!

What is your favorite park memory?
Gloria: Skating on Frog Pond with our two nephews, Philip (7) and Daniel (4)
Kenda: …and our walks with Xena, my pup, down the Mall and through the Garden with our coffees!

How did you get involved with the Friends?
We walk by the offices on Beacon Street all the time, but were introduced by our lovely neighbor, Anne Swanson. On her recommendation, we attended the Annual Meeting last year and were absolutely stunned to learn how much work the Friends do to keep our parks so beautiful year round. To help support their incredible work, we both decided to join the Friends as Advocates and later attended The Green & White, which gave us the chance to meet more of our neighbors with a shared appreciation of the Friends and love for our three special parks.