Round Two for submitting grant applications for the Henry Lee Fund for Boston Parks is now open!

Awardees will be announced on April 3, 2025. Grantees shall be recognized at the Friends Annual Meeting on August 17, 2025.

For more information, including eligibility criteria and application guidelines, please visit our the grant seeker information page or contact Grant Administrator Amanda McGuire here.

Friends President Emeritus Henry Lee demonstrated a lifelong commitment to public greenspace and historic preservation throughout Boston. Best known as one of the founders of Friends of the Public Garden and its leader for 41 years, Henry was an ardent champion of our entire urban park system. A staunch advocate for the restoration of sculpture throughout the city, he also helped to revive the city’s Art Commission in the 1980s.

In recognition of his commitment to all our city’s parks, and in celebration of his 99th birthday, Friends of the Public Garden established The Henry Lee Fund for Boston Parks.

The Henry Lee Fund for Boston Parks aims to positively affect communities in need by providing small grants to enhance public greenspaces throughout Boston. These grants support the care of trees and turf, sculpture maintenance, and special projects in neighborhood parks where the needs are clear, but the resources are limited.

This new fund embodies Henry’s commitment to equity in the quality of our public greenspaces. Grants will be supported by an endowment created by the Friends of the Public Garden, established with a $250,000 commitment from our Board. Administered by the Friends, grant decisions will be made by a committee that includes FOPG staff and board, representatives of the Boston Parks & Recreation Department, community volunteers, and the Friends’ arboriculture and sculpture consultants.

Round 2 of Lee Fund Applications is now open. Submission deadline is February 28.

Learn more.

“From their very beginnings, it has been public participation that has saved these parks, and it is public concern that alone will assure in years to come their care and keeping.”

Henry Lee, President Emeritus