We are getting close to the time to renew our formal Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the City of Boston. In January 2020, after 50 years of working together on a handshake, the Friends and the City signed a formal cooperation agreement to enhance the care of the Boston Common, Public Garden, and Commonwealth Avenue Mall. As with any good relationship, it is time to renew our vows!

By matching the stable assets of the public sector with the entrepreneurial flexibility of the private sector, the Agreement institutionalized a culture of collaboration and formalized a model to deliver innovative parks care through a seamless institutional partnership. In renewing the Agreement, we can update and strengthen the blueprint for how we work together to care for the three parks. We will examine what has worked well thus far and identify areas for improvement, collaborating on the best possible solutions to create a culture of excellence.

This partnership is meant to endure for decades. Together, the City and the Friends will continue to ensure that these parks remain special places that serve the people of Boston and visitors alike, while protecting and enriching these jewels in our City’s public realm.

The three parks and other greenspaces throughout our city, are places where we can commune with nature and connect with one another. These are spaces that benefit from thoughtful stewardship, lifting up community voices, and centering parks management in shared values like equity, accessibility, and inclusivity.