Catherine Allgor
President, Massachusetts Historical Society

Martin Blatt
Civil War Historian; Professor, Northeastern University

David Blight
Professor of American History, Yale University; Director, Gilder Lehman Center

Andrea Campbell
Former Boston City Council President

Colin "Topper" Carew
Director, Code Next; Visiting Scholar, MIT

Drew Faust
Civil War Historian and President Emerita, Harvard University

Bernie Fulp
President, GoBiz, Inc.

Carol Fulp
Chief Executive Officer of Fulp Diversity LLC

Henry Louis Gates
Professor & Director, Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, Harvard University

David Hencke
U.S. Army (Ret.) Executive Officer, 54th Mass Volunteer Regiment

Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham
Professor of History and of African and African American Studies, Harvard University & Chair, Department of History, Harvard University

Karen Holmes Ward
Director of Public Affairs and Community Services WCVB-TV

Paula Johnson
President, Wellesley College

Rick Kendall
Superintendent, Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site

Ted Landsmark
Professor and Director of Kitty and Michael Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy, Northeastern University

Cheryl LaRoche
Department of American Studies, University of Maryland

Henry Lee
President Emeritus, Friends of the Public Garden

Brent Leggs
Director, African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund, National Trust for Historic Places

David McCullough
Pulitzer Prize Recipient; Historian, Author, Narrator

Frank Moran
Representative and Chair, Massachusetts Black and Latino Political Caucus

Beverly Morgan-Welch
Associate Director, Board Relations and Special Initiatives, Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture

Lee Pelton
CEO & President, The Boston Foundation

Colette Phillips
President & CEO, Colette Phillips Communications

Harold I. Pratt,
Founder and Partner, Nichols and Pratt, LLP.

Byron Rushing
Former Massachusetts State Representative

Sarah-Ann Shaw
Retired WBZ-TV Reporter

Frank Smith
Founding Director, African American Civil War Museum

John Stauffer
Professor of English and of African and African American Studies, Harvard University

Steve Tompkins
Suffolk County Sheriff

Col. Dana Sanders-Udo
Commander, 54th Mass Volunteer Regiment and Chief of Diversity and Inclusion, Massachusetts Army National Guard.
Graduate of US Army War College and combat Veteran.

Liz Walker
Retired Pastor, Roxbury Presbyterian Church

Edith Walker
Descendant of John J. Smith, famed abolitionist and Massachusetts State Representative

Benny White
President, 54th Massachusetts Regiment, Company A

Linda Whitlock
Founder and Principal, The Whitlock Group

Mary Minturn Wood
Shaw descendant who donated Shaw's sword to the Massachusetts Historical Society

Robert B Minturn
Shaw descendant who donated Shaw's sword to the Massachusetts Historical Society